Your GP. Reinvented.

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Designed for your busy lifestyle

Access fast, reliable medical care in-clinic or via telehealth, right when you need it. Have your own GP and dedicated care team standing by to get you better and keep you healthy, plus a clever app to manage your health care.

Dr Jess Maher

Dr Jessica Maher

General Practitioner

Dr. Jessica Maher is a highly experienced GP with a special interest in family care, infant and newborn checks, women's health and skin cancer medicine. She's available to see new patients at Evercare Clayfield.

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Dr Wendy Chow Evercare

Dr Wendy Chow

General Practitioner

Dr Wendy Chow is a highly regarded and compassionate General Practitioner with over 14 years of clinical practice. She can see patients at short notice and does a mix of in clinic and telehealth appointments.

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Dr Kate Lawrence

Dr Kate Lawrence

General Practitioner

Dr Kate Lawrence is an experienced GP who enjoys helping patients with their mental health, skin cancer medicine, chronic disease management and general healthcare. She is available for appointments now.

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Dr Ian Walsh Clayfield GP Doctor Evercare

Dr Ian Walsh

General Practitioner

Dr Walsh has 19 years of experience as a GP and expands on his previous careers as a pharmacist and a police officer. He is a favourite in Clayfield having worked in the area for the past decade.

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Dr Julie OConnell Clayfield GP

Dr Julie O’Connell

General Practitioner

Dr Julie O’Connell is a highly experienced General Practitioner with a passion for providing integrative healthcare. If you want to discuss hormonal changes, menopause or holistic health, Dr O'Connell has a special interest in this area. She is also able to provide compound scripts.

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Dr Rob Kielty Evercare GP

Dr Rob Kielty

Dr Rob Kielty

Dr Kielty is an experienced GP boasting over 25 years of experience across Australia and the UK. Dr Kielty is available for a range of consultations, including across the weekend.

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Dr Frank Occhino Evercare

Dr Frank (Charles) Occhino

General Practitioner

With over 43 years of dedication to General Practice, Dr Charles Frank Occhino is an experienced and compassionate doctor who puts your well-being first. Make an appointment with Dr Occhino and discover why his patients won't go anywhere else.

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Get the care you deserve

Join Evercare for just $45 (less for concession & kids) and you can access:

  • Appointments with your GP at short notice
  • Telehealth or in clinic appointments (north Brisbane clinic)
  • Unlimited, $0 gap appointments during the month*
  • In-app care team support from 7:30am to 7:30pm, 7 days a week**
  • Manage appointments, script repeats & more in the app
  • Month-to-month membership, pause anytime

* NB some procedural consultations may incur additional charges for consumables
** Exceptions apply

Find an appointment now

In-clinic + telehealth

Your life spans across digital and physical. We believe your healthcare should too.

Evercare is digital-first, with easy queries like script refills and appointment bookings all handled in-app while more complex needs can be handled over telehealth or in clinic visits. Access all your records through the app and chat with your care team for all the unplanned times that issues arise.

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What’s included?

When you have a regular GP that you know you can get in to, you have piece of mind for your health. This is the new take on the old family doctor that we have all been waiting for. With Evercare you’ll have the comfort of knowing that you have a GP that will take the time to get to know you and your family. You will get the medical answers you need as issues and questions arise, there’s no need to wait until a list of things develop, we’ll address them as you need.

Same day consults

Don’t wait weeks for medical care. Access appointments as soon as same or next day (weekdays). And if your GP is not available, see another member of your extended care team.

Message your care team

Have a health related question? Not sure if you should come into the clinic? Ask your care team through the app.

One set fee

Pay $45 for your membership and you will receive 100% reimbursement of consultation fees from Medicare so there are no out of pocket costs for appointments.

Kids under 16 are free

Add a child to your adult membership and they receive all the benefits of Evercare for free*.

Fast response time

Your healthcare team will respond to in-app messages within two hours Monday to Sunday from 7:30am to 7:30pm (excluding public holidays).

Easy app interface

Use our app to contact your health team, manage appointments, view and request scripts, access records and more.

As seen on:

Evercare concierge

Best thing I ever did was to subscribe to @evercare_health 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾. I’m grateful for the caring Doctors🩺 (thank you Dr. Walsh) the amazing staff and the brilliant APP. Best. Idea. Ever ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

For our Family knowing that I am going to be able to get an appointment on the day that I am needing is a big one for me, I will probably be more inclined to seek medical advice sooner. Also the one off payment each month is beneficial, what we pay a month for the 5 of us at the moment is less than what we would be charged for a general appointment at another clinic.

Great app with continued improvements! It feels polished, works well, and updated seamlessly.

A better service, more caring, multiple options to see the GP, shorter lead times and now being on a subscription I’ll attend the GP more regularly. Will cut down the timeframe for minor issues like scripts etc

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